This time we made it !!
Yet another attempt to win this regatta. This year better prepared from any previous time.
Day 1 started with two windward/leeward races. On both races we got line honors while on corrected time wining 1st place on the first race and 2nd place on the second. Not bad for a start.
Day 2 was a fantastic race. The wind was 15-20kts from N/NE direction and the Race Committee had the brilliant idea to send us around the isle of Spetses. That was an 11nm race, but it had it all. Upwind, dead downwind, reaching legs, strong wind, gusts, tactical calls, it was just a fantastic day out in the water. We were first to finish the race in real time – in a two-hour race LIZZA came ahead the second boat by a good 22 minutes !! – and we won 1st place on corrected time.
Day 3 was so miserable. A repetition of last year’s nightmare course, but with upside down scenario. The course was from Spetses to Trikeri and back. But the wind conditions were the opposite of what is was last year, i.e. no wind this time !! The race ended up shortened; the day’s result for us was as bad as it gets. However, with the fantastic results of our day 1 and 2, we only had to (just) finish the race to achieve 1st place overall in the Regatta. And so we did.
What an emphatic victory for Team EXLence and how happy were we to have chosen LIZZA to win this regatta !!